Cathedral of St. Vitus
The Cathedral of St. Vitus is the most important cathedral in Prague and one of its most significant monuments. It is located inside the Prague Castle.
Its construction began in 1344 by order of Juan de Luxemburgo and, after several times and different architects, was finished finally in the centuries XIX and XX. The Cathedral of San Vito opened its doors to the public in late 1929.
The cathedral houses the tomb of Wenceslas IV (The Good King), the Crown Jewels, and is the crowning place of the kings of Bohemia.
If you want to have the best views of Prague and do not mind doing a little exercise, you can climb to the towers of the cathedral for its steep spiral stairs. From the top you will have a magnificent view of the Charles Bridge, Staré Město and Malá Strana.
The height of the highest tower is 99 meters, and those of the two twin towers 80 meters.
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